Dust extraction and abatement: differences between industrial and professional systems

Characteristics and application of different dust extraction methods

Dust is a nuisance pollutant produced by various industrial processes. Its presence poses a danger to the health of operators and the environment and, in some cases, can cause dangerous fires or even explosions.
With this in mind, it is essential that companies understand the importance of dust management and take action with appropriate abatement methods. But what solutions are available? Let’s find out together in this article!

Dust abatement: initial considerations

Let us start by saying that, in order to choose the most suitable dust abatement system, it is necessary to carry out a careful analysis of the situation and consider the following aspects:

  • concentrations, particle size and physical properties of the dust to be treated;
  • operating times of the plant or production process;
  • available space in the work environment.

This information is fundamental for choosing between professional dust collection machinery and turnkey industrial plants that provide dust extraction, conveying and filtration.
In the following paragraphs we will examine these two different solutions, analysing their main characteristics and fields of application.

Professional dust extraction equipment

Professional dust extraction systems capture pollutants directly at the source, preventing their dispersion within the working environment. These systems include mobile filtration units: mobile dust collectors that are placed near the areas where dust needs to be captured. These devices are in fact equipped with extraction arms, which capture the pollutants, and filtering elements that treat them before releasing the purified flow into the environment.
This solution can be used in the presence of:

  • occasional and non-continuous operations;
  • low concentrations of pollutants;
  • closed environments or areas that are difficult to reach with fixed systems connected to abatement equipment.
Professional solutions for dust abatement

The main advantages of professional devices include compactness, reduced costs and mobility. These characteristics, together with the ability to treat small volume flows, make mobile filtration units valuable allies for the treatment of air pollutants emitted in workshops, carpentries and small production sites.
On the other hand, the continuous maintenance in the case of prolonged use, and the costs associated with it, emphasise their occasional use.

Industrial dust extraction and abatement plants

Dust extraction and filtration plants are fixed systems that allow the abatement of pollutants present in even high flow rate aeriform flows. Unlike the professional equipment seen above, these systems are in fact designed and sized to be used in industrial contexts that involve the emission of high quantities of dust. In these realities, it is essential to assess the state of affairs and offer high performance turnkey systems complete with all the necessary components for dust reduction. These systems are generally complete with:

  • extraction arms, benches and/or hoods that allow dust to be captured directly at source;
  • piping conveying the flow inside the filtration/abatement technology;
  • fan allowing air extraction;
  • air pollutant filtration/abatement technology;
  • electrical panel possibly complete with inverter to reduce consumption, PLC for detailed management and remote control of the machine;
  • atmospheric emission piping complete with sampling points in compliance with regulations.

Each system can then be customised according to customer requirements and the characteristics of the production plant.
The technology used in industrial systems varies depending on the substances to be treated and their characteristics. Where two or more different pollutants are to be treated, it is also possible to create multi-stage systems in which two or more abatement technologies are used.
With regard to dust, there are several technologies suitable for filtering this pollutant, and the choice is made taking into account the characteristics of the dust and its granulometry. In the next two paragraphs, we will present the main technologies used for the filtration of fine and coarse dust.

Filtration technologies for fine and ultrafine dust

Multi-stage filtration and dust abatement system

Fine dust (PM10) and ultrafine dust (PM 2.5) consist of particles with a diameter of less than 10 µm and 2.5 µm respectively. Such small particle sizes mean that these dust particles can penetrate deeply into the human body, which is harmful to health.
In order to prevent these particles from being dispersed within the working environment, it is therefore essential to suck them correctly and then filter them using special technologies such as:

  • bag and cartridge filters = are characterised by high filtration efficiency (up to 99.99%) and can also be made in ATEX versions for potentially explosive atmospheres;
  • cell and pocket filters = can be equipped with a wide variety of filter elements and can be used as pre-filters in multi-stage plants or in very high filtration efficiency systems (> 99,999%);
  • Venturi scrubber = wet technology in which the liquid and the air to be purified come into close contact, causing the dust to flow towards the liquid. This technology allows dust with specific characteristics to be filtered, or pre-filtered in order to then eliminate any other pollutants in a scrubbing tower or other suitable technology.

Coarse dust abatement: available technologies

Coarse dust refers to particles characterised by a diameter of more than 10µm and resulting mainly from industrial processes. These dust particles are deposited on the ground in a fairly short time and, unlike fine and ultrafine dust, have little ability to penetrate deep into the human body.
Technologies for the reduction of coarse dust include:

  • cyclones = technology that uses centrifugal force to separate dust from the aeriform flow. Depending on the particle size, the weight of the dust and its conformation, the abatement efficiency can reach 90%. It can also be used at high temperatures;
  • multi-cyclones = they are particularly suitable for the abatement of dust from biomass combustion plants and can be used as dust abatement pre-systems or as stand-alone separators. Due to their design, they can achieve higher efficiencies than cyclones.

To learn more about the available technologies and their characteristics, please read our dedicated article: “Dust filtration, how does it work?

Dust abatement systems: final considerations

As we have seen in this article, there are many different technologies for dust extraction and filtration, and to choose the most suitable one, several factors must be taken into account. For this important decision, trust the professionals: we will assess the state of your business and propose the most suitable solution for your needs! Contact us to schedule an inspection with our specialised technicians!